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Here is Our Special Page for Special WEEKLY VIP Picks Subscription. This includes LIVE-DIRECT Picks as well, so this can increase to 10+ per WEEK, including the LIVE plays!!!
We Offer Sports VIP Picks - $29.98 at least 3 per WEEK- Please, click below on the PayPal banner(s) to Pay one time Fee of $29.98 for Day Picks, as you will receive an Access to the Premier Page as well, so you can view what is posted currently by all Cappers (this is your BONUS!). Once you pay $29.98, you have the choice to go/click on "Register"; then follow the simple Steps by putting your name and an email, generated code, and click to agree on the Terms and Conditions, and the system will generate a Pass-Account for you! This will be your account for future use, if you desire to Buy more Picks, or Our Monthly or Annual Subscription Plans. If you desire not to Register at this point, then, after your Payment goes through, we will send you the protected page password to view the VIP Sports Picks via Threema Swiss phone APP or by an email.
We Offer a GUARANTEE on the VIP Picks: If such a Pick or the Week-Pass do not win or show a profit, you will receive a website credit in the amount of your purchase to use towards accessing future Picks subscription.
Here is an example scenario. If you purchase $29.98 Picks Subscription, and it does not show a profit, your account will be credited with 1 FREE VIP Pick(s)-WEEKLY-pass in the following WEEK.
Enjoy! All the Best to ALL, and GOOD Luck! The Creator with us!!!! Blessings!
/Please, check our full Track Record: click on 'Track Record' and "Free Pick" tab. Our TR is outstanding!/
To make a 1-WEEK Pass Sport VIP Picks purchase today, simply click on the PayPal banner(s) below - Thank You! We Appreciate Your Business!
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Please, after the PAYMENT, proceed to the TAB "Daily Picks" in order to view and purchase the WEEKLY $29.98 VIP package! It is actually the very same page, but all Picks are listed there in the Comments! Once you LOGIN you will see the Picks as well as we will text them to you!
BoL! Blessings to ALL!